
February 28, 2018


Filed under: GEwIZ — @ 3:34 am

Soul Searching

a work in progress

Soul Searching

Music is a Soul Exchange
a Conversational Documentary

Musing on Music, Art & Beyond

Conversations with Musicians and Artist
about their and our relationship to Art, Music, Dance, Beauty & Beyond

geo geller
geo (at)

Contin-U-Hum – can you hear the humm – voice Geo by GEwIz


“Music (Art) a Tool of The Heart”
by Jose Luis Rodriguez aka Jose Luis de la Paz

excerpted from Self-Portrait of YOU-manity
links to works in progress docs
more Searching at to name a few

Soul Searching in the Land of Babble

Babble Music

Sounding the Depths a musical odd-ah-see
Babble the Universal Language

Oct 18, 2016


KanittaGoi (Thai) Sneha Khanwalkar (Indian)
Israel Mizrachi (Hebrew) Ezzy Gluck (Yiddish) geo geller (recording/filming & playing himself)
excerpted from Babble experimental film

Touching Madness Album

Babbling – Sounding the Depths
experiments in music
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/allinmusic/audio-babble/” captions=”Babbling Sounding the Depths – experiments in music and conversation” shuffle=”y” list=”y”]

Musing on Music – Soul Searching
My Relationship to Music?

a Conversational Documentary

geo musings experiments in music
geo elena musings experiments in music
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/allinmusic/geoelena” captions=”geo musings ” shuffle=”y” list=”y”]

Conversation with Elena Camerin Young, on Identity, Music, Space, Place, Sex, Orgasm, Singing and beyond – food for imagination

Elena & GE-oh Playground album
by geo

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/” captions=”GE-oh & Elena Playing around ” shuffle=”y” list=”y”]

Musing on Music – Soul Searching
My Relationship to Music?

a Conversational Documentary

“Music Saved My Life”
conversations with Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel
Below or

excerpted from documentary in progress more at

ExCon With Conviction

is an experiential, non-linear multi-dimensional documentary directed/produced by geo geller with Andy Dixon and Linda Polk
Andy Dixon is singer/songwriter storyteller who was born into crime and mixes music and conversation fluidly while telling his life story… which includes spending 27 years of an illegal life without parole sentence, befriending James Earl Ray in jail, being the 3rd of 4 generations in his family to be incarcerated, and ties it all up with a message to Break the cycle of generational incarceration by Breaking Kids OUT of prison before they get in
more at

Howard Bloom – Truth, Music of Cosmos, Community

the first intro came out of a casual conversation with A.J. Croce 2/5/2015 who is suspect in a longer work in progress insightful documentary working title Me, Myself, Music and Why with A.J. Croce – this excerpt episode i include when Marlo Croce, who is an artist herself, asked me what music i listened to and i thought it would work as an introduction to both the What’s My Relationship to Music Documentary by me and intro to A.J too – stay tooned there is more to come – if you want to respond to the question and create a video please Hastag it #WhatMyRelationshipToMusicDoc and also email me at Geo (at) and i will either include it in the doc or put a link to it some how – thanks for resonating

So Be Free with Sophie B Hawkins – caught in the act 1/22/2006 at APAP

Issa Ibrahim – on Music & Mental Illness

Fiona Bloom – has music in her veins

Tsidii – on music and on her self

Conversation About Music, Autism, Identity, Being a Woman

and Babble (experimental film/theater) with Elena Camerin Young
excerpted from Elena a Musical Life


How Music Changed a Young Austistic Child and in turn Changed Elena’s Life too


contact: Elena Camerin Young –

“Music Saved My Life”
conversations with (Self-Described)with Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel

Music Saved My Life – Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel 11-23-2015
excerpted from documentary in progress more at

the StrungUP album by GE-oh series

geo geller strung-up photo of converted violin where the bow hairs are woven through the strings and held in my hands with out the bow - from mini concert at 92nd st Y by Jerry Hirsch

geo geller strung-up photo of converted violin where the bow hairs are woven through the strings and held in my hands with out the bow – from mini concert at 92nd st Y by Jerry Hirsch

by geo

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/” captions=”the StrungUP series by geo – experimenting with holding bow hairs in my hands while making the violin talk 6-2012″ shuffle=”y” list=”y”]
geo geller
geo [at]

PLEASE BE PATIENT WHILE PAGE LOADS part of Framing New York – Art in New York, New York in Art, Documentary

Skeleton Not In The Closet

cameo by gabi chaim jessica

Bill Cunningham Caught in Action
Comic Con 2015

New York Times – Fashion Photographer
geo geller
geo (at)

i ran into “Bill Cunningham of fashion fotog of the NYTimes” at the last day Oct 11, 2015 of Comic Con 2015 and it was a shooting/hunting gallery for photographers – there was so much coming at you that if you blinked an eye you missed a whole amazing shot of a life time – and if you ran after it you would miss something else – anyway i took 2,840 fotos in 3 or 4 hours, these photos were the results “Bill Cunningham Caught in Action more Bill Cunningham at ComicCon 2015 here and the back story is here

Silent Music Video


a time lapse still motion film

taken with my canon 7d on sept 17 2015 at the corner of bedford and north 7 in williamsburg at rush hour

geo geller

Loveless in slow motion

Princess Warrior & Ghost of Woman Warrior by geo geller

Sept 26, 2014


The World We Want

by Amber Rae

Woman in White
5Rhythms float at Dance Parade NYC 2014

metamorphosis of nuria
nuria fragosa

Trust Yourself – not so silent music video by geo geller

originally thought of as a silent music (time lapse) video series, but maybe there is more to this “trust yourself” then meets the ear or the eye to eye and hmmm – anyway its a work in progress – fyi this is part of an addiction/series I have with a play on words and people walking by words as if they or the words are invisible – still not sure which is invisible and then there is me and the camera catching this moment out of time – also this was taken from window display #bravehearts by Keds in Macy’s hearld sq ny store april 28 201

Yellow from Yellow Obsessions series
from Frieze Art Fair – 2012
part of Framing New York – Art in New York, New York in Art Documentary

click far right for fullscreen and HD


NYC story

click far right for fullscreen and HD


Kite Boarding – father (Mordy) and sons –

still photos

Shadow Mystery – a NightMare
a feature film in 8min 33sec
Despina Stamos & Mayo Yamaguchi
conceived by
Despina Stamos
photographed, animated & beyond
geo geller for more
ver 1- 10-8-2011

click 4 dots at far right for fullscreen and HD

Shadow Dance – Red Umbrella – stills here
Despina Stamos & Mayo Yamaguchi

Shadow Dance – Eye on You
Despina Stamos & Mayo Yamaguchi

excerpt of Shadow Dance – Night of Light 10=1-2011 – excerpt version

Shadow Dancing at Night of Light – complete version Greenpoint Brooklyn NYC 10/2/2011

Beauty a dance

Shadow Dance an un-ballet in 23sec

Framed at 140conf, StateOfNow conferences and beyond by geo geller

click far right for fullscreen and HD

MP3 Experiment Eight by Improv Everywhere
photos by geo geller
part 1 day into night (1000 still photo) —————– Part 2 a night of everywhere is nowhere (292 still photos)
video part 1 day into night 58 sec time lapse & video Part 2 – a night of everywhere is nowhere 4min 06 sec
<align=”aligncenter” width=”1221″ caption=”MP3 Experiment Eight by Improv Everywhere a Stop Motion Still Film – SilentMusicVideo”]

video part 1 day into night 58 sec time lapse & video Part 2 – a night of everywhere is nowhere 4min 06 sec

video part 1 day into night 58 sec time lapse & video Part 2 – a night of everywhere is nowhere 4min 06 sec

Chelsea Square Diner – july 4 2011



Yoni Bloch – Without a ROSE we can’t do it




framing New York Mid Summers Night Swing 2009
still images & timelapse

Cool Dog with NYC Attitude





Window Watching


SilentNITE – Silent Music Video interactive slideShow click here

SilentNITE – Silent Music Video interactive slideShow click here

SilentNITE – Silent Music Video interactive slideShow click here


Portrait of Mime NY Pearl the mime in a Stop Motion Still Film

coney island state of mind – beyond horizon coney island state of mind – beyond horizon – nite

coney island state of mind – beyond horizon nite slideshow

coney island state of mind – beyond horizon nite interactive slideshow


Trapped NYTimes elevator with AnnCcurry JeffPulver geoGeller and 7 others for 1hr 30min feb 2 2010 -audio slide show

Trapped NYTimes elevator with AnnCcurry JeffPulver geoGeller and 7 others for 1hr 30min feb 2 2010 – SilentMusicVideo

Read My Lips – Robert Wilson


String Theory at Union Sq

Shadow Dance

Avedon opening

Masquerade on Parade



a little something different

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