Contin-U-Hum – can you hear the humm – by GE with Iz playing
2 version – top is mp3 file in html5 but does not work in firefox and bottom is flash version which does
[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]
Paranoid – song and conversation about being paranoid and life in his head and in a mental asylum
Crossing the Line – conversation between geo and iz about madness mixed with song “spectator in another mans life”
Walking_Backwards_Into_Future – GEwIZ – one of our songs that was in the movie Twittamentary
Random Playlist
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/″ shuffle=”y” dload=”n” captions=”by GEwIZ GEo with IZ Issa – Recorded in 2009-11″ list=”y”]
Alphabetical PlayList
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/″ captions=”by GEwIZ GEo with IZ Issa – Recorded in 2009-11″ list=”y”]